


This is a web site dedicated to the families of Inger (b. Eiane) from Jøsenfjorden and Johan Kilane  from Erfjord and their ancestorsAlthough records have been found for the families of Inger and Johan going far back (see the charts below), we start this website, on the Kilane family, with Kari Jonsdtr. Eiane og Østen Torgeirson Kilane. Regarding the Eiane family, we start with Siri Jonsdtr Tøtland (Hauskje) and Jone Gudmundsson Eiane. Their daughter, Inger, married Johan Kilane in 1894 in America.

Johan and Inger Kilane (click to see larger image)

Just as important as names and years, it is worth knowing a little about the people's joys and sorrows, hardships and everyday experiences along with a little about life in Norway. We have, therefore, wanted to get to know their everyday life as far as possible: where and how they lived, who they married, how many kids they had, what occupation they had, and tried to put it in a historical context. Inger and Johan was born respectively in 1871 and 1861, at a time of major changes in Norwegian history. Parliamentary system of government was introduced, and the political parties saw the light of day. Local communities were in difficult circumstances in the beginning of the 19. century, because of war and blockade. Dette ble etterfulgt av en periode med sterk vekst, og med betydelig økning i folketallet. Denne trenden ble reversert mot slutten av det 19. århundre. På den tiden fokuserte befolkningen på å forbedre levekårene. Mange fant at mulighetene til bedre levestandard var større i Stavanger og i Amerika. I tillegg til lokale/regionale omstendigheter, opplevde Inger og Johan flere verdensomspennende kriser, bl. a. to verdenskriger, en influensapandemi og en økonomisk depresjon, som også påvirket deres levnetsløp, i større eller mindre grad.


Ancestors of Inger and Johan (click to see the better resolution); design by FamilySearch


Use the links below to follow Inger and Johan's families in text and photos

Kilane                    Eiane                          



Responsible for these pages is Willy Fjeldskaar, married to Torbjørg (b. Kilane) a grandchild of Inger and Johan.



Siste oppdatering 05.02.2023 .
Website created 15.03.2021

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